It’s happening. Employees are being asked to stay home while the world deals with the deadly epidemic. Conferences are being cancelled and in-person meetings are being delayed or done via online.
Crisis management is in full swing and the partners at Sider Road are crisis management professionals who work hand-in-hand with company leaders to guide them and their staff with a steady hand.
From employers who have salaried and / or hourly wages on their staff, a plan needs to be put in place NOW to avoid confusion and to keep revenues flowing.
Being aware of and being prepared for the necessary crisis management stages will allow you to minimize the impact to your productivity.
Please allow us to HELP you as the ongoing emergency starts to unfold. We handle every cycle of management.
As a sample, we offer:
Facilitate discussion
Keep executive and staff focused
Crisis management techniques for executives
Facilitated meetings
Phone: 917 887 8175 or – CRISIS MANAGEMENT It’s happening. Employees are being asked to stay home while the world deals with the deadly epidemic. Conferences are being cancelled and in-person meetings are being delayed or done via online. Crisis management is in full swing and the partners at Sider Road are crisis management professionals who work hand-in-hand with company leaders to guide them and their staff with a steady hand. From employers who have salaried and / or hourly wages on their staff, a plan needs to be put in place NOW to avoid confusion and to keep revenues flowing. Being aware of and being prepared for the necessary crisis management stages will allow you to minimize the impact to your productivity. Please allow us to HELP you as the ongoing emergency starts to unfold. We handle every cycle of management. As a sample, we offer: Facilitate discussion Keep executive and staff focused Self-management Self-motivation Crisis management techniques for executives Facilitated meetings Phone: 917 887 8175 or
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