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Author: The BCW

Robison B20 BioFuel Program to Save Money and Environment  

As the home heating season begins, BCW Member Robison is offering its customers a new, cleaner form of heating oil that will help the environment and save them money.

“Robison is proud to begin exclusively delivering B20 biofuel. We are amongst the first in the area to go above and beyond the required standard of B5 by offering B20, which will not be required by the state until 2030. This puts us years ahead of others. By using Robison, homeowners will be doing something for the environment and saving money at the same time,’’ said Dan Singer, President and CEO of Robison.

Robison, the Hudson Valley’s leading home comfort company, is one of the only companies in the region to offer B20 biofuel, which is a blend of 80 percent regular heating oil and 20 percent biodiesel. Biodiesel is made with vegetable oil such as soybean oil, which burns cleaner than regular heating oil and is a renewable source of energy that reduces U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

New York State’s transition to B20 fuel is estimated to reduce New York State’s petroleum consumption by approximately 200 million gallons. This would be a major step toward transitioning away from fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It’s all part of a comprehensive plan by New York State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030.

As part of this plan, New York State is offering tax credits on the use of biofuel.  Homeowners can receive a 20-cent per gallon direct tax credit for every gallon of fuel they use.  That means for every 1,000 gallons of B20 blend used, a homeowner would save $200.

“This fuel is totally safe to use without having to make any modifications on your burner or tank and there is no need to buy new equipment.’’ said Singer. “This is a great way for our customers to help ensure energy efficiency and sustainability for a healthier planet without any additional investment on their part.’’

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