HHREC to Honor Second Generation Holocaust Survivors at Annual Benefit
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center (HHREC) will hold their annual Benefit Safeguarding our Shared History on Thursday evening, October 26th starting at 6:30pm at the Westchester Country Club in Rye, New York. This year HHREC will honor second generation Holocaust Survivors Sam Rosmarin and Kathy Zaltas, who will be presented with the Eugene M. & Emily Grant Spirit of Humanity Awards. The program will also feature a live theatrical performance of the award-winning Letters from Anne and Martin, a unique production that combines the iconic voices of Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To register for this event or for more information including sponsorship opportunities visit hhrecny.org email benefit@hhrecny.org or call 914.696.0738.
To register, please visit: https://hhrecny.org/inspire_events/hhrec-2023-annual-benefit/
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