20 Years and Going Strong with BCW Support!
WPPAC is celebrating its 20th Anniversary on Saturday, November 4 at The Opus and we hope you and your colleagues and friends will join us there! We are an independent non-profit theatre which has produced 67 unique musicals specifically curated for our stage and 400-seat house. Currently we are showing the hit In the Heights to be followed by Anastasia and Beautiful–check our website for tickets!
We audition union and non-union actors, directors, designers, and musicians to ensure the highest quality talent available is presented to our audiences along with top-notch sets and costumes. It’s Broadway in our own backyard! Furthermore, we have produced 100 student shows with kids K-12 at our always sold-out summer camp (with many of those rising stars going on to pursue professional careers on Broadway and on tour). Throughout the year we offer special one-night events starring hand-picked performers from across the spectrum of entertainment–comedians, bands, singers, children’s theatre, dancers, and more. We offer all this with an average ticket price of $60 to be certain our shows are accessible to the entire region at a reasonable price.
Please join us to celebrate the achievements we share with our community by clicking on the link included here. Thank you!
WPPAC 20th Anniversary Gala: https://wppac.com/shows/20th-anniversary-gala/
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