1-Day Social Media Master Plan Workshop
Imagine having a simple, step-by-step process to help you organize and design your social media strategy.
The Social Media Master Plan is just that!
This comprehensive workshop will teach you how to create a strategic plan for your social media content using an easy-to-use step-by-step process.
Not only will you receive our process, but this workshop is INTERACTIVE! That means you’ll not only be LEARNING what to do, you’ll actually be CREATING your own content and SCHEDULING it!
By the end of the workshop, you should have a SERIES OF POSTS DONE and schedule out for the month on as many platforms as you have! PLUS, you’ll have the structure and tools to repeat this month after month.
You’ll receive Captions and Canva templates to customize your social media posts and give them a consistent look and feel that matches your brand. PLUS, 2 months of an all-in-one social media management system, Painless Posting!
Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, marketer, or content creator, the Social Media Master Plan will help you streamline the time and effort you put into developing your social media.
Find out more by clicking the link. Deadline in June 26!
https://www.painlessposting.com/smmasterplan1day – Social Media Master Plan Registration!
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