Manhattanville College Names Center in Honor of President Emeritus

Manhattanville College’s recently retired President Michael Geisler returned to campus this week as the school rededicated its Center for Design Thinking in his honor. In a ceremony attended by faculty, staff, and the community, President Emeritus Geisler was honored for his contributions to the center which opened in 2019.
Geisler, who was a BCW Board Member, was a major force behind the center’s creation saying he believed that design thinking was an essential component of a liberal arts education. BCW Member Manhattanville offers the only certificate program in Westchester and is among the few liberal arts colleges in the country to offer an undergraduate certificate in design thinking.
Design thinking is a systematic approach to solving problems that has gained popularity in recent years among business leaders and others because of its emphasis on innovative and collaborative solutions to complex issues. A design thinking approach fosters the development of skills – especially the ability to be empathetic and look at the problem from another’s point of view – that are useful in any environment, including adaptability.
Interim President Louise Feroe, Ph.D., said that it was only fitting that the center be named after Geisler since it was part of his legacy. “Michael has worked consistently and tirelessly to show the college and the community the value of design thinking, He has made many important contributions to this school: bringing design thinking to Manhattanville was first among them,’’ said Feroe.
Marsha Gordon, President and CEO of the Business Council of Westchester, congratulated Geisler on the honor. “Michael was a tremendous leader throughout his tenure at Manhattanville College,’’ said Gordon, who attended the ceremony. “We thank him for having brought design thinking to the college. It will help provide students with the critical skills they need to prepare them for careers in any field. It was a great gift to the school, and to future generations of Manhattanville students.’’
Learn more about design thinking at Manhattanville: