Hudson River Museum is proud to make national news in the September/October 2022 American Fine Art Magazine for the exhibition Order/Reorder: Experiments with Collections. “Art always seems to ask if we’re makers or takers. But perhaps there is no either or. Perhaps, no matter how we juxtapose the images, we’re all of the above at one time or another. And “all of the above,” after all, is a very American idea.” – UNLIKELY JUXTAPOSITIONS: Hudson River Museum reconsiders past and present expressions of American identity through the lens of American art.

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At this point, you’re probably bombarded with news about the economy. You’ve likely come across a lot of information about what you should and shouldn’t do with your finances. But knowing what good financial advice is or what would best apply to your business is hard to figure out. That’s why I decided to host a free live Q&A session to answer your important financial questions directly. The Live Q&A is happening Thursday, September 1st at 11 am and will be hosted by me! Sign up for FREE now at the link below. – RSVP here!

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The nonprofit software challenges are on the horizon—whether social, fraternal, trade, educational or charities—must look through a new lens at everything from fundraising and donor engagement to expense control and reports. – AFFORDABLE, EFFECTIVE WAYS FOR ALL NONPROFITS TO MAXIMIZE SOFTWARE VALUE – EBOOK

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