The rapidly transforming healthcare sector will continue to create job growth and stimulate Westchester County’s economy. That was a major theme of a highly informative and engaging panel discussion by healthcare leaders at the Business Council of Westchester’s State of the Economy series this week. The panelists described how the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated changes that were already underway in healthcare, particularly the shift to outpatient care, lower costs, hyper-local offices and home care. “We are all starting to feel—with the rollout of the vaccine, the extension of those eligible and the rates going down—that healthcare is at the top of […]

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CLICK HERE to watch State of Westchester’s Economy: Healthcare webinar

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CLICK HERE to watch “A Sure Bet for New York’s Future” Virtual Press Conference

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“A Sure Bet for New York’s Future” announced the creation of the new local alliance in support of a full gaming license and access to mobile sports betting for Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts and touted its benefits for Yonkers, the Bronx, and the greater Westchester region. A full-scale casino license, complete with retail and mobile sports betting and live table games, will create thousands of new, family-sustaining union jobs, while generating millions in additional annual wages and tax revenue that would directly benefit local communities. The alliance is also focused on ensuring that the region is not left […]

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