In its role as an advocate for business, the Business Council of Westchester, along with 12 other leading business organizations throughout the state, sent a letter this week to state legislators and Governor Hochul outlining their strong opposition to the proposed New York State 21st Century Antitrust Act as being anti-business for both large and small businesses. “Progressive advocates are pressing the New York state legislature to enact the 21st Century Antitrust Act introduced by State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris. This bill comes out of a national movement aimed at breaking up “big tech” companies. If adopted, New […]

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More than 400 business leaders were on hand Tuesday evening for the Business Council of Westchester’s 20th Annual Hall of Fame Awards Dinner. This year’s program, which was held at the Glen Island Harbour Club in New Rochelle, honored seven innovators who have transformed their industries and added to the economic vitality of the region. “Tonight, we celebrate innovation, which is fitting as we look to the future and to exciting new ideas,” said BCW President and CEO Marsha Gordon. “Our theme tonight highlights a major Business Council of Westchester initiative, the Westchester Innovation Network, which focuses on elevating Westchester […]

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Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. continues to grow its research efforts in immuno-oncology with the announcement on Wednesday of an agreement to acquire Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on proprietary technology to harness the power of the immune system to combat cancer. The proposed acquisition values Checkmate at a total equity value of approximately $250 million. “As we continue to advance and expand our research efforts in immuno-oncology, the acquisition of Checkmate will add a promising new modality to Regeneron’s toolkit of potential approaches for difficult-to-treat cancers,” said Leonard S. Schleifer, M.D., Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Regeneron. Checkmate’s […]

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Thing are really buzzing at BCW Member Cross County Center which is kicking off a BEE Initiative this month to help raise awareness of environmental matters by helping honeybees to flourish. The outdoor mall is partnering with Best Bees, a Boston-based company, whose mission is to expand the bee population while improving the health of bees nationwide. Expert beekeepers will install and maintain two beehives on the property, near Macy’s this April. Each honeybee colony will start at 10,000 bees and will grow up to 50,000 at the height of the season. A beehive population consists of 90% female workers, […]

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In an important announcement that positions Westchester County as a hub for innovation, Empire State Development recently announced the completion and installation of Columbia University’s $2.7 million custom designed and manufactured linear accelerator, or LINAC, booster at its Radiological Research Accelerator Facility (RARAF) in Irvington. The LINAC booster will allow scientists at Columbia University and other cancer research institutions to better understand how radiation therapy with carbon and other heavy ions work in patients with hard-to-treat malignancies. The completion and installation of this LINAC booster establishes Columbia University as the only institution in the United States with an instrument dedicated to research […]

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