Congratulations to BCW Member Iona College on being awarded a $1.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to train deaf-education specialists for the next five years. The grant is part of the federal government’s effort to improve the clinical preparation of speech-language pathologists and special education professionals to meet the needs of deaf/hard of hearing children up to five years old. Iona College will create an Interdisciplinary Advanced Certificate in Deafness to equip graduate students with the needed skills. Currently the college has no programs that focus on deafness and the new certificate program is unique in the […]

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American Christmas in Mount Vernon celebrated the opening of its first retail outlet Monday at its 30 Warren Place headquarters. The 1,000-square-foot Christmas in America boutique is stocked with the essentials to reproduce an attention-grabbing American Christmas display, from props to ornaments and lights. The BCW member creates holiday displays for some of New York City’s most iconic attractions, ranging from the heralding angels at Rockefeller Center to the 13-foot-tall nutcrackers posted outside the UBS building on 6th Avenue in Manhattan. Every holiday season, the company installs more than 525 holiday displays nationwide and internationally.

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The New York Medical College (NYMC) Center for Disaster Medicine in Valhalla has received a $250,000 state grant for its Center of Excellence in Precision Responses to Bioterrorism and Disasters. The funding will support the BCW member’s training of local health care professionals, emergency responders and law enforcement in emergency preparedness for disasters, terrorism and public health emergencies. The Center of Excellence offers education, training, structured simulations, drills and consulting to prepare for bioterrorism and mass-casualty incidents stemming from natural and manmade disasters. Training is offered to first responders, law enforcement, businesses, educators and health care professionals. The center’s facilities […]

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The Westchester County Airport will receive $1.5 million to build a new central aircraft deicing ramp to eliminate ice and snow accumulation on aircraft, as part of the new U.S. Customs and Border Protection Facility at the airport. The new money for the Westchester County Airport comes after significant advocacy by the BCW’s Coalition for Westchester Airport. Throughout its efforts, the coalition has stressed the need to enhance the airport for the three C’s: the business community, the traveling community, and the surrounding residential community. Westchester County Airport is one of 24 public-use airports in New York splitting $20.7 million […]

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