The TV and motion picture production industry is a booming business in Westchester County, creating thousands of new jobs. The Business Council of Westchester wants to keep it growing which is why it supports the New York State film and television tax credit being extended and expanded to keep this thriving and prestigious industry growing within the county’s borders. In a letter to the editor written by BCW Executive Vice President and COO John Ravitz, he says the BCW strongly supports Gov. Kathy Hochul’s 2023-24 budget that proposes increasing the annual film and television production tax credit from $420 to […]

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CLICK HERE to watch Talent Tuesday: They’re Just Not That Into You: The Changing Employee-Employer Relationship.

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The BCW welcomed Governor Kathy Hochul to its headquarters on Wednesday for a presentation and roundtable discussion about the region’s housing crisis and her New York Housing Compact that proposes to build 800,000 new housing units in the next decade. “Change is never easy. The status quo means just that—you stay where you are. You stagnate. But I know Westchester County and the Hudson Valley region do not want to be in that category,” said Gov. Hochul to a large gathering of more than 100 business and political leaders at the BCW’s headquarters in Rye Brook. “This is a forward-thinking, […]

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Congratulations to BCW Member Iona University as its men’s and women’s basketball teams will be competing in the NCAA Tournament after both winning the 2023 MAAC Championships! The Iona men’s basketball team will take on UConn today at 4:30 p.m. in Albany, N.Y. Tune in and catch the game on TBS! Iona’s women’s basketball team will play Duke on Saturday, March 18, at 9:30 p.m. in Durham, N.C. You can watch the action on ESPN2! If a business is honoring Iona’s basketball teams in any way (creating maroon and/or gold food items, offering discounts for Iona fans in gear, hosting a watch party, etc.) be […]

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BCW Member SEEQC, a digital quantum computing company based in Elmsford, made a major announcement this week that it has developed a digital chip that can operate at temperatures colder than outer space so it can be used with quantum processors that are often in cryogenic chambers. Quantum computers, which are based on quantum physics, have the potential one day to complete some calculations millions of times faster than the most powerful supercomputer today. One challenge is that quantum processors with quantum bits, or qubits, often need to be stored at very cold temperatures. On the other hand, classical computers […]

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Westchester Innovation Network (WIN) participant Lessonbee has been accepted into Verizon’s Forward for Good Accelerator in Orlando, Florida. Lessonbee was one of seven companies selected for the accelerator’s health equity program out of hundreds of applicants. The accelerator supports startups working to close the gaps in health access and outcomes by searching for solutions leveraging next-generation technology to break down barriers to quality care. Lessonbee is an online education platform that provides culturally relevant health, social and emotional learning courses for millions of students. “Tapping into the technological capabilities and expertise of Verizon, including 5G and AI, will help us […]

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